Clinical Occupational Therapy

What is the NDIS?

13 Feb 2023
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What is the NDIS?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is an Australian government initiative that provides support for individuals with a disability. The NDIS was introduced in 2013 and has since become one of the largest social reforms in Australia’s history. Its aim is to provide people with a disability with the support they need to achieve their goals and live an independent life.

The NDIS is a needs-based program that provides funding for a range of support services, including personal care, therapy, equipment, and modifications to a person’s home or vehicle. Participants can use their NDIS funding to purchase the support they need from a range of providers, including government-run organisations, non-government organisations, and private providers.


To be eligible for NDIS support, a person must have a permanent and significant disability that affects their ability to participate in everyday activities. They must also be an Australian citizen or permanent resident, and be aged under 65 years.

Once an individual is deemed eligible for the NDIS, they will have a planning meeting with a NDIS planner. During this meeting, the participant and the planner will work together to develop an individualised plan that outlines the support the participant needs to achieve their goals. The plan is reviewed and updated on a regular basis to ensure it remains relevant and appropriate to the participant’s needs.


How Does it work?

One of the key benefits of the NDIS is its flexibility. Participants can choose how they use their funding and what services they receive, giving them control over their support and empowering them to lead an independent life. For example, a participant may choose to use their funding to purchase equipment to help them live more independently, such as a wheelchair or a communication device. They may also choose to use their funding to purchase personal care services, such as help with dressing or bathing.

Another benefit of the NDIS is its focus on participant-led support. The NDIS recognises that people with a disability are the experts in their own lives and encourages them to take an active role in the planning and delivery of their support. This ensures that the support they receive is tailored to their individual needs and goals.

The NDIS also provides support for carers, such as family members or friends who provide care and support for a person with a disability. Carers can receive financial support, access to respite services, and training to help them provide the best possible care for their loved one.

NDIS gold coast participant

Who’s who in the zoo?!

The key roles in the NDIS system for a participant to interact with are:

  • NDIS Planner: Responsible for developing an individualised support plan for the participant.
  • NDIS Local Area Coordinator (LAC): Helps the participant understand and access the NDIS, and connect with service providers.
  • NDIS Provider: Delivers the supports and services outlined in the participant’s plan. For example, an Occupational Therapist from Greenhouse Health Hub.
  • NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission: Ensures the participant’s rights and interests are protected and service quality is maintained.
  • NDIS Appeal Tribunal: Provides a mechanism for participants to dispute decisions made by the NDIS.
  • NDIS Participants: The individuals with disabilities who receive support and services through the NDIS.

How do I apply for funding?

To apply for NDIS funding, you can follow these steps:

Check your eligibility: Ensure you meet the criteria for NDIS participation, such as having a permanent disability that affects your ability to participate in daily activities.

Contact NDIS: You can contact the NDIS directly by phone or visit their website to start the application process.

Complete an Access Request Form: You will be asked to provide information about your disability and current support needs.

Assessment: An NDIS representative will assess your situation and determine your eligibility for support. Occupational Therapists from Greenhouse Health Hub are often called upon to complete Functional, independent living, or supported independent living assessments.

Develop a support plan: If eligible, you will work with an NDIS planner to develop a personalised support plan that outlines the types of support and services you need.

Implementation: Once your plan is approved, you can start using the NDIS funding to access the supports and services you need.

Note: The specific process may vary depending on your location and circumstances, it’s best to check with the NDIS directly for more information. Check out the NDIS Commission website for up to date information about accessing funding and support through the NDIS.

How can we help you?

Here at Greenhouse Health Hub, we have a group of committed Gold Coast based Occupational Therapists who deliver ongoing therapy and assessments for current and prospective NDIS participants.

One of the Gold Coast’s most experienced teams for assessing and supporting young people with developmental disorders, autism spectrum disorders and mental health, we are here to help.

Greenhouse clinicians offer:

  • Therapy
  • Assessments for applying for NDIS
  • Review assessments
  • Functional, independent living and supported independent living assessments


Contact us now to arrange an assessment or join our waitlist for therapy.

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