Dial 000 for any life threatening situation
1300 MH CALL (1300 64 2255)
is a 24-hour crisis service that links you with local mental health clinicians who can assist in accessing QHealth services and provide follow up as indicated.
This national charity provides access to 24-hour support and suicide prevention services. You can call on 13 11 14. They have a lot of resources on their site too.
Suicide Call Back Service
This 24 hour national service offers access to free video or phone counselling as well as useful resources for how to talk about suicide and understanding suicide more generally. Call 1300 659 467
Your Health In Mind
This is a great website providing information on mental illness, treatments, and how to get help. Its easily accessible language makes for good reading.
Beyond Blue
Beyond Blue is a national not for profit providing mental health information and support. They regularly promote awareness of mental illnesses and suicide prevention.
SANE Australia
Sane is a national mental health charity offering support, research and advocacy. You can access some easy read fact sheets on different diagnoses.
Sensory Resources
Handy information on sensory processing for clinicians and parents.
Centre for Clinical Intervention
Fantastic printable factsheets, worksheets and self help CBT resources.
All the information about bulk billing and navigating the public health service
National Disability Insurance Scheme
All the information about how to apply, eligibility, who’s who in the NDIS zoo.
Moonwalking with Einstein by Joshua Foer
Think Like A Monk by Jay Shetty
Why We Sleep. The New Science of Sleep and Dreams by Matthew Walker
The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron